7. Sınıf Pantera İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 17

Sevgili öğrencilerimiz 7. Sınıf Pantera yayınları İngilizce Ders kitabının tüm sayfalarının cevapları sayfamızda yer almaya devam ediyor. Ana dilde düşünme bunu konuşulmak istenen yabancı dile çevirme stratejisini kullanan kişiler konuşmalarına başladıklarında uzun karışık anlamsız söz dizinleri kullanırlar. Birçok bilim dalının ihtiyaç duyduğu alanlardan biri olan Aradığınız kitabın ilgili sayfasının çözümleri aşağıda yer almaktadır. Eğer doğru sayfayı görmüyorsanız muhtemelen çözümü henüz yapılmamıştır. Bireysel çalışmalarda derste anlatılan konular belli dönemlerde tekrar edilmeli ve testler çözülmeli, yanlış cevaplandırılan ve boş bırakılan sorulara ait konulara geri dönülmelidir.Okuma, anlama ve yorumlama hızını arttırmaya yönelik çalışmalara ağırlık verilmelidir.

Sizler için diğer tüm sayfaları hızlıca sayfamıza eklemek için yoğun çaba sarf ediyoruz. Eğer ilgili sayfanın cevaplarını göremiyorsanız bu sayfa muhtemelen çözülmemiştir. Bu durumda kısa bir süre sonra sitemizi yeniden ziyaret ediniz. Öğrencilerimize tavsiyemiz buradaki cevapları kitaplarına geçirmeden önce kendiniz yapıp burayı sadece kontrol amaçlı kullanmanızdır. Herkese okullarında başarılar diliyoruz.

Sayfanın Cevapları:

7. Sınıf Pasifik Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı 1. Ünite Appearance And Personality Cevapları

7. Sınıf Pasifik Yayınları İngilizce Öğrenci Ders Kitabı 1. Ünite Appearance And Personality Sayfa 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Etkinlik Soruları ve Cevapları




Listen and repeat the words. Then categorise them in the box.



→ attractive → attractive  → Slim → well-built →  overweight


→ punctual → Punctual → clumsy → stubborn → generous → forgetful


Answer: What colour are your eyes? What colour eyes do you like best?

  • Cevap My eyes are brown and I like bulue eyes.


  1. Susan is an attractive young woman, with long blonde hair. She alvvays buys presents because she’s generous. (C)
  2. George’s got dark curly hair and a moustache. He is tali and well-built. He often practises because he wants to stay fit. (D)
  3. Martha has got short brown hair. She is overvveight because she likes eating a lot. (A)
  4. Michael is a short slim man with glasses. He’s got a big nose. He is forgetful because he is old. (E)
  5. Mandy has got big green eyes. Her hair is long and black. She helps old people because she’s thoughtful. (B)


Answer the questions.

Who is overweight?

  • Cevap →  Martha

Who is generous?

  • Cevap → Susan

Who has got a big nose?

  • Cevap → Michael


Draw a picture or stick a photo of a person. Then describe him/her in the box. Give explanations or reasons about his/ her appearance or personality.

  • Cevap → Bir kişinin resmini çizip/yapıştırıp betimleyiniz.


Answer: Who is your favourite pop singer? Why do you like him / her?

  • Cevap → My favourite pop singer is Rihanna.Because,she sings really well and she is very beautiful.


Listen to the dialogue and answer the question.

What is Justin Timberlake like?

  • Cevap Dinleme metnine göre cevaplayınız.


Listen again and answer.

What does Justin Timberlake look like?

  • Cevap → Dinleme metnine göre cevaplayınız.


Work in pairs. Look at the photos. Ask and answer questions about their appearances and personalities.

What is he/she like? – What are they like?

What does he/ she look like? – What do they look like?

attractive / outgoing / overweight / slim / stubborn / clumsy / selfish / happy / blonde / short / long / curly / wavy / straight / dark

  • Cevap What are they like ?They are overweight.(Picture 5)


Answer: What’s yo ur deskmate’s name? Do you get on well with him/her?

  • Cevap My deskmate’s name is…………Yes,we get on well.


Read the dialogue and complete the sentence

  • Cevap

Hannah is taller and slimmer Than Lisa.


Read the sentences and write true (T) or false (F).

Lisa is taller than Hannah. → (F)
Lisa is fatter than Hannah. → (T)
Hannah is selfish. → (F)


Write some sentences to compare friends, boys/girls, men/women, children/adults ete. as in the examples.

shy / stubborn / athletic / selfish / generous / loud / outgoing talkative / funny / honest / friendly / tali / tat / hard-working

e.g I think men are stronger than women. Mary is more outgoing than Deborah. Giriş are more talkative than boys.

  • Cevap I think ,My brother is more generous than my sister.


What characteristics should a class president have?

  • Cevap → He/She should be honest and friendly.


Read the text and answen Who is Sam’s candidate.

  • Cevap → MRS CASTLE.


Complete the sentences.

Mr Cannon is clever.

Mr Cannon always telis the truth.

Mrs Castle has nice ideas for the neighbourhood.


Read the instruction and talk to your friends about it.

Three friends are candidates for the class presidency. Look at the pictures, read the clues for their characters / appearances / qualities. Compare them and select your candldate. First describe his/her
appearance, then give your reasons for your selection.

Roy is my candidate. He kas got short fair hair. His eyes are hazel. He is short, but well-built He practises often in the gym. He İS mor e hard-working and vnore honest than the other candidates. I like hım because he is funny.

  • CevapCarla is my candidate. She is clever. She is thoughtful and helps everyone.She is slim.She is a singer and she is in the school band. I like her because she is really a good friend.


7. Sınıf Pasifik Yayınları İngilizce Ders Kitabı 1. Ünite Appearance And Personality  sayfa 18 bulmacanın cevabı…

  1. He wants everything for himself. He is selfish
  2. He doesn’t teli lies. He is honest
  3. She alvvays pays for our meals. She is generous
  4. She is beautiful and attractive
  5. İt is not pretty. İt is ugly
  6. His hair is curly not straight.
  7. I’m not fat. I’m slim
  8. He is very clumsy He breaks ali the plates.
  9. İt is easy to make friends with him. He is friendful
  10. My grandmother cannot remember things. She is forgetful
  11. You are not old. You are young
  12. She eats a lot. She is fat
  13. He is tall short.



Answer: Do you like talking to foreigners in English?

  • CevapYes,I like talking to foreigners in English.


Read the dialogue, look at the pictures and tick (√):

Cevap: Soldaki fotoğrafa (Robert) tik atılması gerekiyor. √ 

Who is Gina’s favourite actor?

Mike: Hey Gina, look över there! Isn’t he that famous actor? Yes, I remember his name, Robert Pattinson!

Gina : Is he? What is he doing here?

Mike: I think he is talking to his fans. Let’s talk to him!

Gina: Wait a minute! This man isn’t very tali. I think Robert Pattinson is taller than him.

Mike: He looks just like him. He is very handsome.

Gina : I don’t think he is Robert because Robert has got brovvn wavy hair. This young man has got black straight hair. I remember Robert’s appearance very well. He is my favourite actor. He is slimmer than this man.

Mike: Anyvvay, let’s talk to him and ask his name.

Gina : OK. Yes, let’s.


Work in pairs. Compare the appearances and character of two famous people. Ask questions about them and give your reasons to explain the details.

  • Cevap → Gruplar halinde 2 ünlünün karşılaştırılması yapılacaktır.

Nicole Kidman → Nicole Kidman is beatiful women because she has got blonde straight hair and blue eyes.

Jason Statham → Jason Statham is very good actor and he fightes very well.


Prepare a poster of a famous person you like. Describe his/her appearance and personality.


Atiye is a beautiful pop singer. She is very successful. She can sings songs and attract many people.She is tall and slim. I like her very much.

Read the sentences and give points to yourself between 0 and 5. (bu cümleleri anlayarak kendinize puan veriniz.)

At the end of this unit, I can… (4)

describe characters and people (4)

give explanations and reasons, (3)

make simple comparisons, (4)

make simple inguiries. (4)

“7. Sınıf Pantera İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 17” için bir yorum

  1. bana çok yardımcı oldu bence çok güzel derslerde yardımcı oldu çok teşekür ederim allah razı olsun ????????????

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